By Chris Lee
Traditionally the term “feminine” is associated with women and the term “masculine” is associated with men. In actuality all humans possess both masculine and feminine energy. These energies flow through everything that exists.
When aligned and in harmony, these energies compliment each other. When these energies are in disharmony it upsets the balance of our very existence.
What about the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine? Both of these terms allude to the spiritual, divine, nature of our “being”.
In contemporary society, we like to put everything into categories, adding labels and subcategories for better understanding and organization. The reality of “us” is that we are an amalgamation of energy, physical matter and thoughts simultaneously existing in multiple dimensions.
This helps us to understand the nature of “The Divine”. It encompasses many things simultaneously, including feminine and masculine energies. Divine Feminine energy is nurturing, compassionate, intuitive, creative, sensual and flexible. Divine Masculine energy is courageous, assertive, independent, protective, analytical and sexual.
If we combine those characteristics we’d get some very desirable qualities. Imagine a leader that is assertive and compassionate. Imagine a partner that is nurturing, intuitive and protective. Imagine a lover that is sexual and sensual, awakening untapped passion and creative energy.

All of those elements would make for a pleasurable interaction in either a man or a woman. Each of us is capable of possessing the magic of the blend of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.
Intuitively, we know when our energies are out of balance. If we are unaware we can retreat into the negative aspects of our feminine and masculine energies. We’ve been conditioned to believe that men are supposed to take charge, dominate, appear strong and never express their emotions. Women are supposed to be passive, submissive, soft, sweet and non-threatening.
Forcing ourselves into these roles moves our energies even more out of balance, moving us away from our authentic selves.
To bring ourselves back into balance we have to do something that takes practice. We have to trust ourselves. Each of us possesses Divine wisdom as an integral part of our natural intuition. That wisdom knows what we need to bring our Divine Masculine and Feminine energies back into balance, we just have to be still and listen.
With self-acceptance, one can accept the truth, that as Divine “beings”, we need the balance of both energies to survive and thrive. The circle of life involves destruction and rebuilding, light and darkness, giving and receiving. Those seeming contradictions bring us balance and wholeness in our Divine Feminine and Masculine energies. Every single process in the universe utilizes both energies.