By: Priya Ali
“I am learning that worry doesn’t change an outcome”
As we see the end of summer nearing and we approach the last quarter of the year, the Guides sense that many of you are taking stock concerning where you are in life right now. They see that many of you are feeling as though you should be further ahead in your plans, goals and accomplishments. Some of you are also feeling distressed and disillusion over the state of the world, both your world as an individual and as the global world.
The Guides are seeing that much like fall harvest crops, there are manifestations yet to come in for many of you. They encourage you to release the worry mindset, reminding you that worry is like event planning for something you don’t wish to see happen. Worried thoughts will attract experiences to cause more worry. Instead, you are encouraged to focus on your desired outcome and allow yourself to build and strengthen your faith in the knowing that everything is working out for you.
For some of you, the message is surrounding the worried thoughts you hold for others. The Guides ask you to imagine the energy of the thoughts you hold for and around others. Imagine the energy of those thoughts being painted upon that person. Would you wish for them to be painted in worry or well-being? Seeing others in a state of well-being and light, contributes to a higher frequency of energy surrounding them.
For some of you, the message from the Guides is that they sense you wishing you could stop worrying but don’t know how. They invite you to begin to choose some new habits as you move through your day. Prepare yourself with thoughts you can redirect to during times when you are not worried, similar to keeping a tool box in your car. The moment you have a car emergency is a stressful time to start looking for tools, but if you are prepared in advance it gives you a stronger foundation to face stressful situations with more ease and reassurance.
Recognizing that worry will not change the outcome and can often time attract an outcome to cause worry is a huge awareness to embrace. Focus on what your desired outcome is instead.
In joy and light,Intuitive Goddess Priya
Card Deck
The Soul’s Journey Lesson Card by James Van Praagh
Published by: Hay House Cover and Interior Illustrations: Charlotte BackmanCover and Interior Design: Pamela Homan