By: Priya Ali

Contrary to claims that the Law of Attraction is “a new age theory” or recently found due to a popular movie whose name we will keep a secret, the term “Law of Attraction” first appeared in a book in 1877, written by Russian author, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.  In 1906, William Walter Atkinson wrote “Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World”. This was followed by Wallace Delois Wattles’ book, ‘The Science of Getting Rich’ in 1910 and Napoleon Hill’s ‘Think and Grow Rich,’ written in 1937.

Jerry and Esther Hicks, authors of ‘(The Teachings of Abraham) Ask and It Is Given,’ defined the Law of Attraction as “That which is like unto itself is drawn”. Michael J. Losier, author of “The Law of Attraction, The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t,’ offered the following definition of the Law of Attraction in his book: “I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative. ”The term vibrational frequency is often used to describe the energy one emits. The vibrational frequency is either positive or negative and as such attracts the same.

I have been sharing the Law of Attraction through my personal life coaching practice with my clients for the last 15 years. Many people have and pitfalls that have caused them to stumble before they learn to use the Law of Attraction, here are a few:

“I think positively and say positive things but I’m still not getting what I want.”

The Law of Attraction is a Universal law, similar to the Law of Gravity, meaning it is in effect whether you are paying attention to it or not. If you are not using the Law of Attraction deliberately, you are attracting by default. To become a deliberate attractor, a connection to what is often referred to as your higher self, inner being, or source energy, as well as your emotional guidance system, is necessary. 

The connection to our inner being allows us to receive thoughts, ideas, and impulses that often lead us directly to our desires, or at the very least to the directional path of our desires. There is a degree of action involved. That said, I have had a client who desired a romantic relationship, but rarely went anywhere she could potentially meet someone and was uncomfortable with online dating.  A man she lost touch with many years ago turned up at her house one night, which led to a 4 month romance between the two, so it seems a lover can just show up on your doorstep.

“I stated my desire and I haven’t received it yet.”

Once you decide you desire something, it is similar to placing an order at a drive thru restaurant.  You place your order and then you just drive to the next window and trust it will come to you as soon as it is ready. Hopefully during your wait, you’re listening to a great song on the radio, checking your phone, or maybe taking a moment to breathe rather than sitting panicked and worried, or doubtful that your order will arrive. Oftentimes people expect the order to be ready as soon as they are finished placing it. The Law of Attraction works through divine timing to deliver your desire in the most optimal way. Another pitfall is when people begin to doubt the manifestation is coming. This tends to cause delays as you focus on the lack of your desire, which only attracts more of a lack of your desire. 

While this is a brief overview of the Law of Attraction, it really comes down to focusing on what you do want. Thinking thoughts about what you do want, speaking about what you do want, daydreaming about having it, and what it will feel like, are all things you can do to become a vibrational match to your desires.